A new leader this month is nominated for Wales Labour Leader and First Minister, following the stepping down of Vaughan Gething, on 16th July. Eluned Morgan, Baroness Morgan of Ely, was the only nominee and became Welsh Labour Leader on July 24th. She now faces a vote in the Senedd on 6 August, where a new first minister of Wales will be decided. 

After the Senedd’s nomination, the Llywydd (Presiding Officer) formally recommends the nominee to the King for appointment as first minister.  A royal warrant will then be issued appointing the new first minister.1

Eluned Morgan

Eluned Morgan has key relevant experience for Welsh development. She represented Wales for the Labour Party from 1994-2009 and in this role became the Labour spokesperson on industry, science and energy and spokesperson for the 200 strong Socialist Group on Budget Control matters. 

Eluned Morgan authored the Green Paper on energy on behalf of the European Parliament and led their discussions on the Electricity Directive where she ensured new rights for consumers and demanded the issue of fuel poverty was addressed.2

This experience of industry, science and energy would be appropriate as Wales’ economy transitions from being a global leader in producing coal energy, to a global leader once again in net zero power production and new technologies. Government infrastructure investment is also committed to grow the low-carbon economy in Wales’ industrial heartland.

Wind farm at sunrise

Welsh low carbon economy 

World leaders have committed to driving down carbon emissions until they reach net zero by the middle of this century. Here in Wales, the ambition is to get there sooner and to create a carbon neutral public sector by 2030. Putting nature on the pathway to recovery by 2030 is at the heart of Welsh Government’s ambition, driving collective action to protect and restore nature.3

The Welsh Government have developed a couple of schemes (Ynni'r Fro & Community Energy Wales) to encourage new projects which will help Wales transition to a low carbon society.

Community Energy Wales has also received funding from the Welsh Government which provides assistance and a voice to community groups working on energy projects in Wales. So far 22 projects including wind, hydro and solar are planned with 4 currently creating energy.4

The benefits to business 

The demand for net zero skills are needed to support the journey to Net Zero Wales.The growing objectives to meet Carbon energy reduction are actually beneficial to your business. They include: 

  • Reduced energy costs and longer-term efficiencies
  • Greater focus on sustainability
  • Increased chance of winning new business
  • Innovative products and services
  • Increased likelihood of securing investment and new contract
  • Increased efficiency and business resilience
  • Improved brand image and customers trust and loyalty
  • Set best practice standards for other to follow
  • Meet standards and regulations
  • Develop a more diverse and agile workforce
  • Gaining that competitive edge whilst supporting our Net Zero Goals.5

The Parc Felindre reflects the net zero goals and will benefit from this carbon zero approach, benefitting business and staff alike. Join the 2030 thrust for carbon zero target and develop your business environment and competitive edge.  

Contact our agent direct for more information on Parc Felindre available now. 


1 https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/explainer/welsh-labour-leadership
2 https://www.gov.wales/eluned-morgan-ms
3 https://naturalresources.wales/
4 https://business.senedd.wales/documents/
5 https://businesswales.gov.wales/skillsgateway/net-zero-skills

Photographs courtesy of 
Eluned Morgan - Welsh Government