The Welsh government, business and consumers in Wales are finding ways to reduce emissions, to protect the environment and to live and work sustainably.

Nationally, across Wales, The Welsh Government is leading the way for Business in Wales to take steps towards net zero carbon emissions by introducing ‘The Green Growth Pledge’. 

images.png‘The Green Growth Pledge helps Welsh businesses to pro-actively improve their sustainability, their positive impact on people and places and support a growing community of organisations. This helps business in Wales to think forward and transition to a low carbon future.

The Pledge offers practical actions that will make a difference, such as reducing vehicle use, increasing energy efficiency, and choosing responsible suppliers to support decarbonisation and win new business. 

Your business is asked to sign up to one or more positive actions that will help reduce your carbon footprint and impact on the environment while ensuring sustainable performance. 

Signing the Green Growth Pledge will help your business to:

  • Increase its chances of winning tenders
  • Increase its likelihood of securing investment
  • Save money in the long-term
  • Become more efficient and increase its resilience  
  • Improve its brand image and gain a competitive advantage
  • Set best practice for others to follow
  • You will also join a growing community of over 2,150 businesses who have received sustainability support from Business Wales, helping Wales to decarbonise and transition to a low carbon future.
  • Using land, energy & water wisely
  • Measuring the impacts of your business
  • Improving the well-being of staff and your local community
  • Using appropriate packaging
  • Preventing waste & pollution
  • Reviewing products & services
  • Promoting sustainable best practices  
  • Get involved.1


IBM consultants also cite that ‘Companies across sectors are looking to transform their business models by prioritising sustainability in their core operations and meet the growing demands of key stakeholders and conscious customers’. 2

Parc Felindre is founded on a transformed brownfield site, so has good green sustainability credentials. Originally a tin mine in previous centuries, the site has been carefully transformed into contemporary business land, available for your business new build now

A new design and build is an opportunity to incorporate the latest in energy saving technology and building materials and methods and to blend with the careful landscaping of Parc Felindre, which forms an attractive and planned backdrop to the regenerative theme. Parc Felindre is now a more valuable greenfield area, and offers a sustainable development solution for business. 

Parc Felindre development strategy conforms to the The Welsh Government criteria, which requires all new buildings to support its sustainable building standards. Details are available here. (


Parc Felindre Development Framework encourages sustainability across these criteria: 

  • access by bus and bicycle
  • use of renewables or low energy materials in construction
  • reuse of materials 
  • local sourcing
  • renewable energy
  • integration of wind and solar energy 
  • natural landscaping to maximise solar energy.

More than Bricks and Mortar 

The works at Parc Felindre also include the provision for training placements and work experience opportunities with the contractor on site for local people who are unemployed or economically inactive, This too is a constructive contribution to the economy and a further step in sustainable working practice. 

This forms part of a Swansea Council scheme called ‘Beyond Bricks and Mortar’ – an important initiative to secure social benefits from procurement and regeneration activity in Swansea for the lasting benefit of the whole community.

The site at Parc Felindre truly offers more than bricks and mortar for your business – a positive step towards net zero.

Contact our agent direct for new business land at Parc Felindre available now. 


1Business Wales